About Us

Photo Find MCC® is Dedicated to the Safety of All Children

Photo Find MCC’s® ongoing campaign to raise awareness about the power of photos and their importance in the search for missing children. Because photos have such a vital role in the search for missing children. It is Photo Find MCC’s goal to distribute posters to as broad an audience as possible.

The familiar saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is proven true time and again by the return of missing children who have been identified through these types of campaigns.

We make and distribute posters of missing children for these families, and have a eVolunteer force that distributes posters of missing children in their communities.

Photo Find MCC® is dedicated to the safety of all children, the recovery of missing children, and public policies that keep children safe in their communities.

We are a community service whose mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. We are here to help in the fight against abduction, abuse, and exploitation – because every child deserves a safe childhood. Hope is why we’re here.

Our Core Values

  • We cherish children and protect them every way we can.
  • We value the uniqueness of each family & provide exceptional service with respect, compassion, & discretion.
  • We help the community meet its responsibility to keep children safe.
  • We foster relationships and networks critical to keeping children safe.
  • We value creativity and work to increase the scope, quality, and depth of our service.
  • We value the power of hope.